
A fire ant mound in turfgrass near a sidewalk. Photo by Bart Drees.

A fire ant mound in turfgrass near a sidewalk. Photo by Bart Drees.

The primary ant pest in Texas turf is the red imported fire ant, although other ant species like the Texas leaf-cutting ant and Rasberry crazy ant also can affect turfgrass areas.

Fire ants are found throughout the eastern half of the state and in some urban areas in West Texas. Several native fire ant species also occur in the state, and in south Texas the tropical fire ant is also occasionally considered to be a pest in turfgrass.

Fire ants do not damage turf directly, but their numerous mounds are unattractive, can hinder mowing operations and can smother the grass. Their presence is also a potential hazard to people and pets since these ants can inflict painful bites and stings.

For more information on fire ants, see:

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