
The “neither” category of  “good and bad bugs” includes organisms that have minimal or no adverse effect on the landscape and/or not economically important.  All creatures are fascinating in their own right, so just be curious and enjoy the critters below!  Click on each heading for further reading.


Also known as crawdads, crayfish and mudbugs, crawfish are not insects, but freshwater crustaceans resembling small lobsters.  Crawfish (also known as crawdads, mudbugs, crayfish) can become numerous in poorly drained soil.


Thirty species of cockroaches are known to occur in Texas and, a few of those become noticeable in urban landscapes, including turf and ornamental plantings around homes and other structures.

Horsehair Worms

These long, skinny worm-like critters show up in puddles, swimming pools, even toilets!

Scuds, Beach Fleas and Sea Roaches

Amphipods are crustaceans related to pillbugs and shrimp. They normally live in association with salt and fresh water, where they scavenge for food on decaying organic material such as dead and decomposing leaves.

Snails, Slugs

Snails and slugs may be difficult to detect because they are active primarily at night. However, they leave slime trails where they crawl which can be a clue to their presence. Their soft bodies and slimy appearance make them repulsive to many people, but actually they are quite fascinating creatures.

Texas Blind Snake

The Texas blind snake can be common in the Texas landscape. These snakes occur on stony hillsides, prairies, and sandy or rocky deserts, under stones, boulders or other objects throughout most of the state.

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